Technical services

Technical services LogoToday’s workplace is complex and demanding with many requirements, constraints and challenges.

This is where we add value over and above the delivery of a commoditised technical services provision.

We will support you in creating a safe compliant and appropriate work environment and help you to optimise productivity and efficiency within your organisation.
Our dynamic approach to designing, managing and delivering quality of life services places us in a unique position to align our service delivery to your business needs.

Strategic asset management

technical maintenanceOur strategic asset management services include the management and maintenance of all buildings and equipment, treating them as vital assets in your day-to-day operations.

The premises you operate from are not just workplaces, but are critical to the continued operation and success of your business. As such, our strategic asset management services ensure effective management and planning of property and equipment. 

Our remit goes beyond the general maintenance of buildings and equipment to consider its long-term sustainability.

In conjunction with your general mechanical and electrical requirements and planned preventative maintenance, we can provide long-term strategic objectives such as energy management, lifecycle and space planning.
Using advanced technology, we can provide portfolio management, asset tracking, lifecycle, financial data, regulatory information, skills and certifications, work flow processes, management reporting, floor plans and maps, space and moves planning and management, work orders, message system, call centre and maintenance management.

Ultimately, we give our clients complete peace of mind.

More services

Find out about our bespoke and specialist services

We deliver a highly bespoke solution, drawing on our market leading standardised operating procedures.

Find out about our Mechanical and Electrical maintenance services

We design, manage and deliver a comprehensive range of hard services through our experienced teams of experts who operate across all industry sectors in the global market as well as providing services to single site UK operations.

Find out about our governance and assurance services

Services are delivered utilising robust standard operating procedures, which are monitored at point of delivery and recorded through our global asset management system to drive efficiency, demonstrate quality, provide assurance and create a continuous improvement analysis and opportunity.

Contact us

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Technical services brochure

Technical services brochureTechnical services deliver bespoke solutions, governance and optimised
efficiency across hard and specialist services.

Strategic asset management

Brochurecover-strategic-assetTo replace, repair or maintain: that is the question. Answering it is our speciality. Our approach is designed to balance the management of planned, reactive and capital maintenance of your property portfolio.