A Responsible Employer

Acting responsibly is fundamental

Enhancing Quality of Life for employees requires a commitment to acting responsibly as a corporation. It means creating an engaging and inclusive workplace where employees have the opportunity to flourish and grow. It means respecting our people and their fundamental rights at work.

Acting responsibly requires consistent behavior in order to set the standard for responsible practices wherever we work. Ultimately it has a positive impact on performance, creating a more effective, efficient and friendly experience for our clients.

Inclusion, opportunity and respect


An engaged employee is an employee who experiences an open and inclusive workplace, meaningful opportunities for training, development and growth, and a total compensation package that reflects their performance and value to Sodexo and our clients.

Engaged employees experience respect for their fundamental rights at work; from freedom from child labor, forced labor and discrimination, to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Retention tells the story


In addition to Sodexo’s employee retention rates that are far above industry norms, thousands of former Sodexo employees choose to return to Sodexo after working at other companies. Common to employees who stay with us, and to those who return, is a simple sentiment they share with us: they like being part of Sodexo.

Ultimately, there is no better measurement of the success of responsible practices as an employer. This success contributes to everything from the further satisfaction of our people to the continuity and satisfaction of our clients. It is central to our cultural values and our performance standards.

Contact us to learn how you can improve the Quality of Life at your organization:

Email us

or call us at 888 SODEXO7