Quality of Life Services

At Sodexo, we believe that the best way to create real, lasting value is to make people the central focus of organizations and society as a whole. We view Quality of Life as a decisive yet largely unexplored factor governing individual and collective performance.

As such, Quality of Life is the common denominator of all our services – it is our differentiator.

On-Site Services

We make it our mission to improve Quality of Life – whether in corporate, Government Services, Health Care, Universities, Schools, Energy & Resourcess, or Sports & Leisure environments. We enhance the health and well-being of employees, students, patients and doctors, through a wide range of services from construction to reception, sterilization of medical equipment, cleaning and foodservices.

Additional Services

In addition to our core capabilities, Sodexo offers a suite of complementary services that can enhance further Quality of Life for employees, patients, students, retirees and others.

Contact us to learn how you can improve the Quality of Life at your organization:

Email us
or call us at 888 SODEXO7

Healthy Buildings

RB_Healthy Buildings

View Sodexo's integrated facilities management services.

Understanding QOL - Insights

Read blog posts from Sodexo’s executives and other experts that explore topics on improving Quality of Life.

Sodexo Foundation

See how you can get involved in your community!


Learn more about SodexoMAGIC, a Joint Venture that provides flexible and innovative service solutions for our clients and customers.