Energy and Emissions

We will reduce our carbon footprint in all countries where we operate and at client sites.

Energy and Emissions

Why Does Sodexo Engage?

Global climate change is real and impacting people around the world, including the countries and communities where we have our business. Reducing emissions linked to climate change is important for our clients, consumers, and communities as well as for the environment.

How Does Sodexo Engage?

Sodexo continues to progress on its commitment to reduce carbon emissions in its operations and at client sites by 2020. Through its partnership with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Sodexo created a new methodology to calculate the carbon embedded in its operations and supply chain. This information has allowed Sodexo to set a target to reduce carbon emissions by 34% from its operations and supply chain between 2011 and 2020.

More commitments on natural resource consumption:

Water and Effluents

We are aware of and working to reduce the community and business impacts associated with water scarcity.

Organic Waste

The Earth produces enough food for everyone to have enough to eat, yet one third of the food produced for human consumption is never eaten and one in five people around the world are at risk of hunger on a daily basis.

Non-Organic Waste

When you compare the ecological footprint with the human development index it is very obvious that we have a development path which requires more resources than we have available to us.


Sodexo has reduced its Scope 1* and Scope 2** emissions by 27%***.

*Scope 1: direct GHG emissions from the combustion of energy sources owned or controlled by a company.
**Scope 2: indirect emissions of GHG from electricity purchases.
*** compared to the 2011 baseline

Sodexo Fiscal Year 2016

Energy Savings Initiative

Sodexo offers include a device that fits over the thermostat probe of a food refrigeration unit, allowing the unit to respond to the temperature of stored food and not air, reducing energy consumption up to 30. That reduces electricity bills and the CO2 emissions associated with power generation for our clients.