Supplier Code of Conduct

We will ensure compliance with a Global Sustainable Supply Chain Code of Conduct in all countries where we operate.

Supply Chain Code of Conduct

Why Does Sodexo Engage?

Our challenge is to ensure that all the products and services we source are produced according to widely accepted social, environmental and ethical standards.

How Does Sodexo Engage?

All of Sodexo's more than 10,000 suppliers are required to pledge to conduct business with the highest ethical, social and environmental practices as defined by our Sodexo Supplier Code of Conduct ("Code") in order to be able to have a contract with us.

The Code sets forth Sodexo's expectations of suppliers, vendors, contractors and others with whom Sodexo conducts business (collectively referred to as "Suppliers") with respect to sound and responsible ethical, social and environmental practices.

It was first issued in 2008 and is revised every three years.

This 3 year revision is a necessary part of keeping the Code aligned with our internal policies as well as the requirements of our external stakeholders.

In addition, Suppliers are required communicate the principles of the Code throughout their own supply chain.

More commitments on Sustainable Supply Chain:

Local, Seasonal or Sustainable Products

A strategy for sourcing the five commodities that are the most important for our business and have the highest environmental impacts.

Sustainable Fish and Seafood

Seafood consumption has doubled over the last 40 years, but fish stocks have not kept pace.

Sustainable Equipment and Supplies

We currently use 1.5 Earths to support our activities and by 2030 humanity will need the capacity of two Earths.


In Fiscal 2016, the Sodexo Supplier Code of Conduct had been signed by suppliers representing


of purchasing spend with contracted suppliers.

Sodexo Fiscal Year 2016



This document sets forth Sodexo's expectations of suppliers, vendors, contractors and others with whom Sodexo conducts business (including their affiliates and collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) with respect to sound and responsible ethical, social, labor and environmental practices. 

Consult our Supplier Code of Conduct