Career springboard

95% of our employees are in direct daily contact with our consumers. Sodexo's success depends on our employees’ expertise, pride and pleasure in delivering our services across all of our businesses. We strive to ensure that each individual, whatever their qualifications, has the opportunity to continuously develop their skills and advance in their responsibilities.

We encourage all employees to learn throughout their professional lives at their own pace and according to their personal goals.

training_technicians training

Individualized training

Our goal is to strengthen the employability of our people, including those who join us with few qualifications. In this regard, we have established numerous skills qualification training programs, such as "professionalization periods,” accreditation programs that combine theory and practice and provide opportunities for professional certification. In 2010, 81% of employees benefited from a refresher course, an increase of more than 10% in one year.

In practice ...

In the UK and Ireland, each entrant receives three months of integration training, allowing them to develop an in-depth understanding of the Group’s values and operations. Employees who wish to can also take courses to improve their proficiency in English.

In France, as part of the Individual Right to Training (DIF) program, we support 250 people each year in obtaining a government-recognized diploma. In 2011, 500 employees benefited from a degree course. The DIF also allows employees who wish to improve their skills to choose from a variety of courses (such as office skills, language training, etc.). Lessons are taught by 150 regional trainers who work directly on sites. In 2009, Sodexo France won the Gold Trophy of the DIF, awarded by the DEMOS group.

Corporate Responsibility Publications

FY 2013 Corporate Responsibility Publications (240x120) 
Sodexo publishes documents that present its Corporate Responsibility strategy and performance to its stakeholders:
>Fiscal 2013 Publications


locker maintenance
We believe strongly in the power of mentoring, an important contributor to talent development in the organization. By promoting discussions across genders, functions, client segments and countries, most mentoring programs have as strong an impact on mentors as on mentees.