

Front desk hosts and hostesses are a company’s daily ambassadors. They are visitors’ first contact with the company when they come through the door. A smile, attentive listening and a proactive attitude can make all the difference.

Making visitors feel welcome

Relying on its experience in day-to-day relations with people, Sodexo implements customized, turnkey front desk solutions to enable companies to present their best face to partners and customers. Our employees give visitors a warm welcome and demonstrate courtesy and professionalism at all times.


Maintaining a high level of quality

Sodexo regularly trains its reception teams to develop and maintain a high level of human relations skills. Day after day, we guarantee that our standards are properly applied and continually refined to optimize the quality of our service. Our teams act as the interface between the company and the outside: we manage our clients’ switchboards, update their telephone directories, ensure access to their parking lots and take charge of receiving deliveries.

We provide these services for our client Bayer, for example, who selected Sodexo to handle front desk services at its head office in Toronto.

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Conferencing services

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