Developing local communities

Fighting poverty and unemployment is most effective at the local level. This is why major international companies like Sodexo can help drive change through the hiring of local community members and favouring local procurement sources.
Creating ties
In line with its Better Tomorrow Plan commitments, Sodexo Remote Sites has a specific approach to local community development.
Sodexo works in partnership with local communities to hire and train local personnel and ensure compliance with its procurement policies. Together we examine the impact of our initiatives in favour of local development in an effort to forge close ties with communities and foster their growth.
Recruiting and training
Applying Aboriginal engagement protocols to recruiting across diverse communities, Sodexo has improved the recruitment processes and the Aboriginal workforce continues to grow with employees at various levels of the organization. New leaders have emerged who share their skills and act as role models for their communities, thus making a self-sustaining contribution to the future.
At Manitoba Hydro, Sodexo exceeds the Aboriginal employment target at every level. Sodexo offers subcontracting opportunities to small businesses, recruited talent from the NCN, and helped workers acquire skills they can use long after the project is finished. In terms of social initiatives, Sodexo effectively trains and hires Aboriginal employees, purchases goods from local small businesses and achieves the four key objectives of the PAR program: business development, employment, and individual capacity development and community relations.
► Learn more about how we support local communities