Training and development

defence-chef-traing-181pxWe offer both our own employees and our CCM colleagues an ongoing programme of effective, relevant training and a structured personal development plan to support their career development.

Military chefs working with Sodexo are invited to attend a variety of training courses including:

 blue-arrowProfit on a plate

 blue-arrowModern butchery and cooking techniques

 blue-arrowIndian and Eastern vegetarian cookery

Recovery Placements

At tri-service level, we are founding members of the Ministry of Defence’s Defence Career Partnering initiative.

We assisted with the successful trial of the project at Colchester Garrison and now offer recovery placements for injured service personnel as part of the scheme.

More services

Find out about our Joint civilian / military team

Our teams work closely in partnership with military chefs and managers.

Find out about how we promote craft skills

We are committed to promoting the development of culinary craft skills’ as shown on the other pages in Continuous improvement.

Contact us

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