Opportunity Areas

Our array of opportunities is as diverse and vast as our workforce: from facilities engineering to food service management; construction to energy management; medical equipment care to patient care; from tutoring and concierge services to in-home services; from wellness and nutrition to sustainable practices. The result is endless opportunities for your personal and professional growth.

Our Job Environments

We are fortunate to touch people’s lives in such meaningful ways. The environments we work in give us the chance to bring wellness, satisfaction and comfort to people at every stage of life. And, no matter what the environment, we match the right people to the challenge, with the expertise and strong values our clients deserve.


Help people perform better by improving their daily life in the workplace. Learn more>


Support students on their path to adulthood and academic success. Learn more>


Provide logistical support for combat missions abroad and for day-to-day management during training periods at home. Learn more>

Health Care

Give patients, health care professionals and caregivers around the world the best health care experience possible. Sodexo’s unique CARES culture develops a dynamic atmosphere where employees are respected, turnover is low and career growth opportunities are created from within. Learn more>

Energy & Resources

Provide comfort, safety and well-being to those who live and work in extreme, and often isolated, situations around the world. Learn more>

Senior Living

See to the well-being of seniors in specialized facilities, or in their homes, with customized services and attentive and compassionate care. Learn more>

Sports and Leisure

Assist in managing public and private events, ranging from international sports championships to high-powered business meetings. Learn more>

More on our On-site Services>

Personal and Home Services

Provide benefit and award programs, concierge services and home assistance for the elderly. Learn more>

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Career Advancement at Sodexo


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