Nutrition, Health and Wellness

Touching the lives of 75 million consumers every day, Sodexo has the opportunity and obligation to promote and encourage healthier choices that improve Quality of Life for millions of people around the world.

Contact Us

Do you want more information about our corporate responsibility efforts and/or the Better Tomorrow Plan? Contact the Group Corporate Responsibility Team by email.

Tawnya Hutchison - Quote

"People who take ownership in their relationship with food, exercise and emotional well-being dramatically improve their Quality of Life."

- Tawnya Hutchison, Director, Quality of Life Services, On-site Service Solutions, Sodexo, Inc.

10 Golden rules


The “10 Golden Rules” are a set of guiding principles focused on nutrition, health and wellness that guide our offers and promote healthy lifestyle behaviors with consumers. They are based on nutritional recommendations and applied according to an in-depth understanding of local nutritional contexts and needs. We are the world’s largest private sector employer of dietitians, who encourage customers to adopt healthy daily eating habits

Improving Quality of Life through Nutrition, Health and Well-being

This PDF document provides an explanation of the context, the potential impacts for Sodexo, Sodexo’s strategy, what has been accomplished so far and the next steps to improve Quality of Life through Nutrition, Health and Wellness.