Corporate Reponsibility Publications

Supplier Guide - Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF, 621 Kb)
April 03, 2017
This document was created to assist suppliers, vendors, contractors and others with whom Sodexo conducts business (including their affiliates and collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) in understanding and implementing the Sodexo Supplier Code of Conduct.
Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF, 610 Kb)
April 03, 2017
This document sets forth Sodexo's expectations of suppliers, vendors, contractors and others with whom Sodexo conducts business (including their affiliates and collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) with respect to sound and responsible ethical, social, labor and environmental practices.

FY2016 Corporate Responsibility Report (3.07 Mb)
December 08, 2016

Sodexo Group Position Paper: Sustainable Palm Oil (PDF, 742 Kb, new window)
July 21, 2015
This pdf document provides an explanation of the context, the potential impacts for Sodexo, Sodexo’s strategy, what has been accomplished so far and the next steps on Palm Oil.

Statement of Business Integrity (PDF, 150 Kb)
June 17, 2015
To ensure Sodexo's irreproachable integrity in all our business dealings, we have adopted strict principles that were formulated in 2007 in a code entitled "Principles of Business Integrity".
Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF, 260 Kb)
April 01, 2014
We have formalized this Supplier Code of Conduct to articulate our expectations of those with whom we conduct business including those businesses with which we have continuing supply relationships. (available in 21 languages)

How does Sodexo "Buy"? - Inside Sodexo Fiscal 2013 (online version)
November 18, 2013
Ethics, safety, quality, traceability are the words which lead the procurement process at Sodexo. Discover why...

Wellness Charters - India (PDF, 567 Kb)
July 10, 2012

Less crumbs, more meals! – France (PDF, 474 Kb)
July 10, 2012
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