WasteLESS Week

Empowering Consumers, Clients and Employees to Reduce Waste.

What is WasteLESS Week?

WasteLESS Week is a five day campaign that Sodexo runs for our clients (and our own sites) around the world each October. It empowers consumers, clients and Sodexo employees to reduce waste by celebrating the benefits of wasting less food, water, energy, paper and raw materials – including cleaner air, more natural spaces and helping share our planet’s natural resources.

Why is Sodexo doing it?

Everyday our consumers, clients and Sodexo employees are engaging in actions that reduce waste. WasteLESS Week is an opportunity to thank them and show them the positive benefits of their actions.

And we know that the best way to encourage new habits is by making it easy, simple, rewarding and desirable.

How does it work?

Through on-site materials such as posters, videos and activities, we showcase the tangible benefits people experience when they waste less. Using local information and data the materials can be customized to show people how their actions have local as well as global benefits.

How long has Sodexo been doing this and what are the results?

We started with a WasteLESS Day in 2012 and expanded to a week in 2013. Reductions in waste that are observable over a five day period inspire continued actions and so WasteLESS Week actually encourages efforts all year long, which is our ultimate goal.

In 2017, 49 countries participated in waste prevention campaigns such as WasteLESS week.

You Have the Power

Issues like hunger, droughts, pollution, deforestation and resource depletion seem huge and overwhelming. But you have the power at your fingertips to make a difference in your community. Together these add up and produce global benefits.

Nine commitments for a Better Tomorrow

Over the last 50 years, Sodexo has built a business that enhances quality of life. As a global business, we have three different but connected roles in the world: we are an employer, a service provider and a corporate citizen. Our new Better Tomorrow 2025 roadmap is built around 9 commitments to help us continue that journey and exceed our own and others’ expectations in all three of these roles.