NEBEYOU ABEBE, Senior Director of Health & Well-being, Sodexo North America.

MICHAEL BAZIGOS, Ph.D., Managing Director at Accenture Strategy, Adjunct Professor, Department of Organization and Leadership, Columbia University.

BOB DOYLE, Director of Communications, Association for Advancing Automation (A3).

JEAN-CHRISTOPHE DUMONT, Ph.D., Head, International Migration Division of the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD.

CRYSTAL KADAKIA, Author, The Millennial Myth: Transforming Misunderstanding into Workplace Breakthroughs.

AARON SHERINIAN, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, United Nations Foundation

TOM STAT, Innovation Expert, Design Thinker, Strategy Consultant and Entrepreneur.

JEFF MALCOLM, Senior Director of Private Sector Engagement at World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
- BRETT HAUTOP, Head, Design + Build, Global Workplace Services, LinkedIn.
- CHRISTINE HASSLER, Author, Speaker, Coach and Consultant.
- DAN SCHAWBEL, Partner and Research Director at Future Workplace and Author, Promote Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success.
- DR. DAVID W. BALLARD, Assistant Executive Director for Organizational Excellence at the American Psychological Association.
- ELISABETH KELAN, Ph.D., Professor of Leadership, Cranfield School of Management.
- ELISABETH LAVILLE, Founder and Director, Utopies.
- ELIZABETH ISELE, Founder and CEO, Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship.
- FRÉDÉRIC CHEVALIER, Founder, thecamp; Founder and former Chairman, HighCo.
- GAURAV GULATI, Asia’s Leading Personal Branding and Engagement Expert.
- GUDRUN LITZENBERGER, General Secretary, International Federation of Robotics.
- HÉCTOR MARTÍNEZ, Assistant Professor, INCAE Business School.
- ISAAC GETZ, Co-Author, Freedom, Inc.; Professor of Leadership and Innovation, ESCP Europe Business School.
- JEFF MALCOLM, Director of Private Sector Engagement, World Wildlife Fund.
- JESSICA ROSE COOPER, Executive Vice President and Director of Sustainability, Delos.
- JOAN KUHL, Founder and President, Why Millennials Matter; Author, Misunderstood Millennial Talent: The Other 91 Percent.
- JOANNA FRANK, Executive Director, Center for Active Design.
- JODI DAVIDSON, Director of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives, Sodexo.
- MARC EFFRON, President, Talent Strategy Group.
- MARK NEWLANDS, Global Workplace Experience Lead, Johnson & Johnson.
- MATT BRITTON, Author, YouthNation.
- MICHAEL BAZIGOS, Ph.D., Managing Director at Accenture Strategy, Adjunct Professor, Department of Organization and Leadership, Columbia University.
- OLIVIER DE PANAFIEU, Senior Partner, Roland Berger.
- DR. PETER WALD, Chief Medical Officer, USAA.
- PETER WHITEHOUSE, M.D., President, Intergenerational Schools International; Professor of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University.
- RANDY FISER, CEO, American Society of Interior Designers.
- ROBERT MORAN, Global Head, Brunswick Insight, Partner, Brunswick Group.
- ROHINI ANAND, Ph.D., Global Chief Diversity Officer, Sodexo.
- RON ALSOP, Author, The Trophy Kids Grow Up.
- SEAN HALEY, Regional Chairman and Managing Director of Service Operations, Sodexo U.K. and Ireland.
- STEVE TOOMEY, Executive Vice President and Managing Partner for the U.S. Midwest, BTS.
- SUSAN EMERICK, Author, The Most Powerful Brand on Earth.
- THOMAS CANDEAL, Sustainability Project Manager, International Food Waste Coalition.