Ethical criteria

Team meetings

As a multinational company, Sodexo is committed to promoting democratic values such as fundamental human rights and equal opportunity for everyone, irrespective of their origin or beliefs.

In our work in prisons, this means:

  • We only operate in prisons in democratic countries that do not have the death penalty;
  • The goal of the institutions we serve must be consistent with our overall approach to improving living conditions and providing opportunities for rehabilitation to prevent re-offending;
  • Our staff do not carry firearms.

More services

Building a healthy outlook

Activities such as painting, singing, writing and acting develop the imagination and creativity of prisoners to boost their self-esteem...

Preventing re-offending

Repeat offenses are a major risk after release from prison. The specific programs we offer at our prisons aim to reduce the rate...

Right to housing

Finding housing after a long period of incarceration is often a challenge for former inmates. At Forest Bank prison in the United Kingdom...

Vocational training

Possessing an employable skill is critical for successful re-entry into mainstream society. It allows inmates to set goals for themselves...

What we do for... Alto Hospicio


Since 2005, more than 2,000 inmates from several Chilean penal institutions have benefited from at least one of the 8 training programs developed by Sodexo.

Key figures Justice

667 million euro in revenues

3.3% of Group revenues

6,264 employees

Source: Sodexo Group, FY 2016