
A service manager is assigned to oversee all maintenance provision at the facilities we operate. The supervisor guarantees the implementation of Sodexo’s quality approach, which is measured by indicators jointly defined with the prison administration.


Specialized, multiservice teams

Teams are organized to intervene around the clock, seven days a week, on a standby basis.

Specialized technicians carry out preventive, corrective and curative maintenance on installations and equipment (electric power and electrical engineering, security, air conditioning, refrigeration, etc.). They may also perform maintenance services considered “sensitive”, with outside assistance if necessary.

Again with a view to facilitating prisoner rehabilitation, each technician may be asked to supervise inmates within the framework of a tutoring system.

More services

Robust technology

Our biometric security system aligned to our "kiosk" system allows us to improve security, and increase the activities of prisoners...

Saving energy

Energy consumption is a major environmental challenge today. The rising price of fossil fuels and the development of...


Security at prisons is the first requirement before we approach rehabilitation activities. Prison security is of prime importance for...

What we do for... Alto Hospicio


Since 2005, more than 2,000 inmates from several Chilean penal institutions have benefited from at least one of the 8 training programs developed by Sodexo.

Key figures Justice

667 million euro in revenues

3.3% of Group revenues

6,264 employees

Source: Sodexo Group, FY 2016