Balancing meal options

We will advocate balancing meal options at all our clients’ sites by 2016.

Varied and Balanced Food Option Commitment 525x165 


The World Health Organization (WHO) projects estimates that by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese.  We know that nutrition is a foundation for health and development, because better nutrition means stronger immune system, less illness and better overall health.




Mindful is a multi-tiered wellness program designed to promote a healthy lifestyle. The program offers a variety of healthy menu choices developed by Dieticians and Executive Chefs. A series of Health & Wellness learning brochures are available for staff, clients and customers. Mindful menu requirements are:


  • less than 30% calories from fat

  • no more than 3 grams saturated fat

  • less than 100 mg of cholesterol

  • less than 850 mg of sodium

  • less than 600 calories

  • at least 3 grams of fiber

Many of our locations also offer varied and balanced options in catering and vending.


More commitments to promote and encourage healthier choices:


Health and Wellness

Quality of Life is enhanced when we work, learn, visit and live in spaces designed and maintained in a way that supports health and wellness.

Less Sugar, Salt and Fats

Many countries’ populations have intake levels of sugar, salt and fats that are higher than both international and national recommendations.


A Closer Look at Lunch ...

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