We Engage

Sodexo relies on the involvement of all stakeholders to fulfill its corporate responsibility commitments. Sodexo maintains an ongoing dialogue with employees, clients, consumers, suppliers and institutions, etc. to unite the efforts of all.



Our employees are our best ambassadors with clients and consumers and within their local communities as the ‘face’ of Sodexo. Therefore the success of our efforts depends heavily on our ability to engage with them.

We continue to involve an increasing number of our employees our corporate responsibility efforts through actions that include:

  • Communications and dialogue with individuals and teams including the company leadership, a network of “Better Tomorrow Champions,” our Communications, Marketing, Offer Development, and Supply Chain teams, etc.

  • Providing learning opportunities about the issues, as well as the actions that they can take and bring to clients that fall under our corporate responsibility priorities and commitments;

  • Providing tools such as our annual site survey that generates customized reports for our site managers that explain Sodexo actions and provide them with recommendations on items like energy, water and waste that they then share with their teams and clients;

  • Annual events such as Servathon (to fight hunger) and WasteLESS Week which mobilize our employees to action and encourage them to engage with their clients and communities throughout the year.



Sodexo supports its clients’ sustainability strategies and contributes to strengthening their reputations.

Sodexo supports its clients’ sustainability strategies and contributes to strengthening their reputations:

  • The expertise that we offer our clients helps them to reduce their environmental footprints, improve health and wellness, and increase their employee engagement, etc.

  • Many of our clients share our dedication to elements contained within our Better Tomorrow Plan – and we have the expertise and programs to help them meet those needs,

  • Efforts like our Supply Chain Inclusion Program assure our clients that by working with us they are supporting local businesses and their local community.



As a company that touches the lives of 75 million people every day, Sodexo embraces the tremendous opportunity we have help consumers to adopt more healthy and sustainable lifestyles.

  • Our professional chefs develop recipes so that we can offer consumers healthy, balanced menu options that reflect their local tastes and cultures,

  • Our registered dietitians empower people to make healthy lifestyle choices,

  • We provide consumers with ways to improve their health and wellness by sharing educational, topical and consumer friendly information through traditional and digital outreach, including sharing recipes that turn left overs into delicious meals.



Sodexo’s collaboration throughout our value chain was cited by RobecoSAM (in its 2013 Sustainability Yearbook) as one of the hallmarks of our continued sustainability leadership.

  • Responsible Sourcing – We know that sharing values is a basis for collaboration, so we seek business relationships with suppliers who share our values. This includes seeking products that use recycled materials, require less energy and water in their production and use, etc.

  • Supply Chain Inclusion Program – by helping suppliers to meet international standards Sodexo contributes to sustainable development in both developed and developing countries. As suppliers grow with us, we help them to thrive and gain access to wider markets;

  • Sustainable Seafood – Not only is fish an important part of healthy diets and constitutes 17% of the global population’s protein intake, fish and seafood also support the livelihoods of 10-12% of the world’s population, most of them in the developing world;

  • By featuring menu items that are lower in salts, sugars and fats we improve the health and wellness of our consumers and we collaborate with our suppliers to help grow the market for delicious and healthier choices.



Sodexo regularly consults external stakeholders to advance its corporate responsibility strategy and innovations.

Sodexo and OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) have signed a three year agreement to promote the Better Life Index, the international index that deals with Quality of Life. Under this agreement, OECD and Sodexo will share their knowledge about the different factors that help improve the Quality of Life of individuals;

Sodexo’s long-standing working relationship with WWF includes a technical agreement to work together on environmental and supply chain issues of mutual interest. Efforts include sustainable sourcing of seafood, agricultural commodities like palm oil and soy, improving water and energy efficiencies and a collaboration to address food waste.

Sodexo is an active participant in International Labour Organization (ILO) working groups;

Sodexo is a founding partner and Board member of the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI), launched in February 2013. The GSSI brings together representatives from the private and public sectors, NGOs and academia to develop universal benchmarks to rate seafood certification programs.

Manjit Jus"Sodexo has shown that creating value for its stakeholders and communities must not come at the cost of creating business value. It has leveraged its experience in proactively managing sustainability issues and its position as a leading global service provider throughout its value chain to include its customers and suppliers."

Manjit Jus, Sustainability Operations Manager, RobecoSAM

WasteLESS Week

WasteLESS Week is a week-long employee and consumer empowerment campaign run by Sodexo on our sites around the world during October to thank and remind them of things we can have more of when we waste less.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Do you want more information about our corporate responsibility efforts and/or the Better Tomorrow Plan? Contact us by email.