Gender Shouldn't Matter

We are strongly convinced that when we empower women, we also empower the individuals and communities around them. When women do better, we all do better.


An issue close to our heart

As the world’s 19th largest employer, we hold ourselves responsible for promoting gender equality and advancing the interests of women. Beyond a moral obligation, gender diversity is a business imperative because we must reflect the diversity of everyone we serve.

Since 2009, our Sodexo Women’s International Forum for Talent (SWIFt) has been dedicated to promoting women’s advancement.

Today in Sodexo, women account for:

  • 54% of our employees
  • 50% of our board
  • 32% of our Group senior executives

Still, there is more to do. We are working to increase the number of women in leadership roles to 40% by 2025 and boost equality in facilities management, one of our key areas of growth.

But it’s not just a numbers game. At Sodexo, we achieve gender balance through a culture of unbiased inclusion, providing access to mentors and sponsors and allowing for flexible work arrangements. Women are also encouraged to raise their hand to go for bigger challenges.

The result: a highly motivated, diverse and loyal workforce of women and men alike.

Read how the culture of inclusion in Sodexo has empowered Ashu Sharma to plan and transform her career.

Beyond Sodexo

But it’s not just about us. With an extensive global supply chain, we are uniquely placed to make change happen. So, we prioritise working with women-owned small enterprises and encourage our suppliers to embrace gender inclusion.

Beyond this, we are improving opportunities for women around the world through health and well-being education.

Notably, Sodexo works with Eco Kitchen in Chennai, India to help women from economically-challenged backgrounds earn a livelihood through selling meals prepared in our kitchen. We do this by training these entrepreneurs in food safety, nutrition, business techniques and other related areas.

Three issues close to our heart

Corporate responsability, hunger

Local Communities

Corporate responsability, gender


Corporate responsability, waste



KKH TeamRead how the culture of inclusion in Sodexo has empowered Ashu Sharma to plan and transform her career 

Sodexo’s Gender Balance Study 2018

Sodexo’s Gender Balance Study 2018

Comprehensive Sodexo study Finds Gender-Balanced Management Teams Perform Better on Key Business Objectives