Energy & Resources

Enhancing Quality of Life is a mission that becomes extra crucial with our clients in the Oil & Gas, Engineering & Construction, Maritime and Mining industries and other energy sectors. Our services and solutions have been implemented at some of the most remote sites in the world, places where employees are most in need of a home away from home.

Discover how Sodexo creates the best conditions for those who live and work in unconventional places so that they feel safe, comfortable and engaged:


We accompany our clients at each phase of their projects, from research and development to transportation or refining, be it in urban or industrial environments, onshore or offshore.

We deliver a wide range of top-quality, fully integrated services: camp design, administrative services, light and technical maintenance, security, waste management, food services, sport and cultural activities, wellness and motivational programs and more.

Read about our work with leading global mining company Rio Tinto.

Zero Compromise on Health and Safety

Maximising workplace health and safety is the top priority for our Energy and Resources segment. Our network of Quality, Health and Safety specialists throughout the world provide over 300,000 hours to Sodexo staff every year.

The majority of our operations around the world comply with international ISO 9001, HACCP and OSHAS 18001 safety standards. We are committed to exemplary Health and Safety performance which is regularly recognised by our clients and external organisations.

Read our Global Health and Safety policy

Improving Comfort to Attract and Retain Talents

Housekeeping, cleaning and laundry services are important to worker morale and productivity. Whether you are running an onshore or offshore operation, our first-class services maintain the site’s professional image and provide residents with a comfortable, safe and hygienic environment for living and working.

In addition, our experienced chefs develop menus that combine dining pleasure with wholesome nutrition, including options for reduced sugar, salt and fats.


Please send your inquiries, including feedback and requests for information.


Offshore Life, our standard for catering and accommodation services, designed by Sodexo to meet our client’s expectations regarding safety, well-being, cleanliness and comfort.

Quality of life in action

At Sodexo, we consider Quality of Life to be a key and yet largely unexplored factor in individual and collective performance. Discover our articles, case studies, expert interviews and testimonials to get the latest news and trends on this topic.

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