Mixing four generations in the workplace

Team meeting (525 x 165)

Sodexo hires and trains employees from four different generations from young people to seniors. The Group makes an effort to help them work together in order to share their experiences and creativity.

In Belgium, we established a task force that includes front-line staff, trade union representatives, and human resources to develop a long-term approach to encouraging generations in the workplace.

In Argentina, we developed Youth Together, a training program to promote employment among disadvantaged young people. Through the program, the employee who acts as the primary contact for new team members receives diversity training, while other employees can attend diversity awareness sessions.

In France, Sodexo works with FACE to support older workers. In this programme, five Sodexo employees mentor individuals who are 50-years-old or above and have been unemployed for more than a year. Sodexo employees help these workers cope with challenges in the job market, provide support to better define their professional aspirations, redesign their resume and launch the next chapter of their career.

In France, Sodexo signed an agreement with the French government in 2009 that includes commitments to recruit 300 young people, 90 apprentices, and 30 trainees from disadvantaged neighborhoods over the next three years.


I am Sodexo


To us, diversity isn’t an abstract concept. It is one of the keys that make the success of our company.