


As a service provider in 50 countries to 100 million consumers, we have a duty to tread lightly on the planet.

Minimising waste

Whether it’s food, energy or water, we are working hard to reduce wastage and are actively engaging everyone in our path to do the same. Internationally we hold WasteLESS Week to promote waste reduction among our staff and clients; we also prevent food waste on client sites through our proprietary programme WasteWatch. Read more about our comprehensive waste management efforts.

“In Singapore, all Sodexo sites reuse cooking oil as sustainable biofuel.”

Using sustainable ingredients and food products

We source local, seasonal, or sustainably grown or raised products in all the countries we operate. Sodexo is one of the first companies to switch to certified sustainable palm oil, without transferring additional costs to our clients.

“We are training all our staff to practice environmental sustainability at work and home.”

Choosing green equipment and supplies

We are thoughtful when choosing equipment and supplies such as cleaning products, disposables, office equipment and technical maintenance products. Sodexo has committed to using only sustainable products globally by 2020.

“We aim to cut carbon emissions by 34% by 2025.”

Giving consumers peace of mind

Our global supply chain of conduct demands that we check, double-check and sometimes triple-check all our suppliers to make sure that they meet satisfactory environmental and labour conditions. The vendors we work with need to verify these standards, sometimes by independent third parties before they become a Sodexo partner. We ensure they comply with our Global Supply Chain Code of Conduct in all the countries.

“Sodexo supports fair-trade products to protect the livelihoods of farmers and workers.”


Yale-NUS College


Sodexo’s food services will be implemented at Yale-NUS College, Asia’s leading liberal arts college founded by the prestigious Yale University and National University of Singapore. The College has a full residential programme that integrates living and learning, and is home to over 900 students, faculty, and residential staff from over 60 countries. Central to Sodexo’s offerings are sustainability measures driven by innovative technology and ethical practices. These solutions are tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of a new generation of students who cares about healthy eating, how food is sourced, and environmental sustainability*.

30% of energy savings


Sodexo Facilities Management team conducted a walk-through energy audit at United World College of South East Asia – Dover Campus, in Singapore. The scope of the walk-through audit covered the energy consuming assets in the areas (kitchen, service, and dining) that are involved in Sodexo’s provision of food services to the client. The energy saving recommendations resulting from this audit generated electricity savings and helped demonstrate Sodexo’s capabilities on sustainable energy use to the client.

Sustainable Palm Oil

Sodexo Singapore is now sourcing 100% physical certified sustainable palm oil for its cooking oil. 


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