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Corporate Reponsibility Publications

Sustainability Report Fiscal 2008 - Spanish (PDF, 3.1 Mb)

Sustainability Report Fiscal 2008 - Spanish (PDF, 3.1 Mb)

In this report in Spanish, we seek to provide stakeholders with an insight into how we addressed our corporate responsibility challenges during Fiscal 2008.

Sustainable Seafood (PDF, 2 Mb,)

Sustainable Seafood (PDF, 2 Mb,)

As part of its commitment to protect marine biodiversity, Sodexo will no longer serve any seafood species which are identified as being at risk by 2011.

Sustainable Seafood Policy - Group (PDF, 301 Kb)

Sustainable Seafood Policy - Group (PDF, 301 Kb)

This Group Sustainable Seafood Policy is a key part of this commitment and sets out how Sodexo intends to achieve this commitment which applies to fresh, frozen, canned, farmed and wild seafood.

Team Fundraising Efforts - Australia (PDF, 726 Kb)

Team Fundraising Efforts - Australia (PDF, 726 Kb)

Since 2006, Sodexo has been operating the “Symmetry” Health and Wellbeing Program. Sodexo helps his clients to improve their local communities’ relationships through fundraising activities.

The Better Tomorrow Plan - 21-page summary (PDF in English, 951 Kb)

The Better Tomorrow Plan - 21-page summary (PDF in English, 951 Kb)

This 21-page summary presents “The Better Tomorrow Plan”, Sodexo's proactive new sustainability strategic roadmap.

The Better Tomorrow Plan - leaflet (PDF in English, 1 Mb)

The Better Tomorrow Plan - leaflet (PDF in English, 1 Mb)

A leaflet presenting our sustainability roadmap, the Better Tomorrow Plan, on a 2-page document.

The Better Tomorrow Plan - leaflet (PDF in Spanish 1 Mb)

The Better Tomorrow Plan - leaflet (PDF in Spanish 1 Mb)

A leaflet presenting our sustainability roadmap, the Better Tomorrow Plan, on a 2-page document.

The Better Tomorrow Plan - posters (.zip, 2.8 Mb)

The Better Tomorrow Plan - posters (.zip, 2.8 Mb)

Every day, there are simple ideas we can implement on-site to make practices more sustainable. This series of 45 posters aims to engage our stakeholders, open up a dialogue and give them the keys to change their practices.

The Better Tomorrow Plan - posters in Spanish (.zip, 3 Mb)

The Better Tomorrow Plan - posters in Spanish (.zip, 3 Mb)

Every day, there are simple ideas we can implement on-site to make practices more sustainable. This series of 45 posters aims to engage our stakeholders, open up a dialogue and give them the keys to change their practices.

The Better Tomorrow Plan presentation - full version (PDF in English, 1,8 Mb)

The Better Tomorrow Plan presentation - full version (PDF in English, 1,8 Mb)

During Fiscal 2009, Sodexo defined a proactive new sustainability strategic roadmap named “The Better Tomorrow Plan”, a progressive journey based on continuous improvement, covering its 80 countries and 33,900 sites and engaging its 380,000 employees.

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