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Corporate Reponsibility Publications

School kitchen gardens project – United Kingdom (PDF, 378 Kb)

School kitchen gardens project – United Kingdom (PDF, 378 Kb)

In December 2011, Sodexo started to provide schools across the country with grow-your-own kitchen gardens. With 50 schools gardens today provided, the project will expand to benefit more than 200 schools within the next months.

Setting up local businesses - Tanzania (PDF, 512 Kb)

Setting up local businesses - Tanzania (PDF, 512 Kb)

To boost local economy, Sodexo subcontracts services to local small businesses. Sodexo supports them in the launch phase so that they can own and run the business independently. This initiative has provided jobs and revenues to more than 40 families so far.

SMART Tool - North America (PDF, 261  Kb)

SMART Tool - North America (PDF, 261 Kb)

In January 2012, Sodexo launched SMART (Sustainability Management and Reporting Tool) in more than 90 of the countries’ schools, college campuses, healthcare facilities and corporations, taking a new approach to measuring and improving sustainability efforts.

Sodexo Servathon (PDF, 540 Kb)

Sodexo Servathon (PDF, 540 Kb)

Sodexo organizes each year in April the Sodexo Servathon that provides a direct and meaningful way for our employees to give back to the communities where they live and work.

Sodexo Servathon 2011 - results (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

Sodexo Servathon 2011 - results (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

Each April, as part of Sodexo’s STOP Hunger initiative, employees around the world join forces to fight hunger in their local communities during the Sodexo Servathon. In April 2011, 39,000 Sodexo employees in 30 countries were involved and donated 200,000 meals.

Statement of Business Integrity (PDF, 150 Kb)

Statement of Business Integrity (PDF, 150 Kb)

To ensure Sodexo's irreproachable integrity in all our business dealings, we have adopted strict principles that were formulated in 2007 in a code entitled "Principles of Business Integrity".

STOP Hunger brochure 2008 - English (PDF, 325 Kb)

STOP Hunger brochure 2008 - English (PDF, 325 Kb)

This brochure presents our global initiatives around the world from helping to provide meals to job training programs, healthy eating sessions, and countless other activities that are breaking the cycle of poverty and eliminating hunger and malnutrition.

STOP Hunger brochure 2008 - Spanish (PDF, 669 Kb)

STOP Hunger brochure 2008 - Spanish (PDF, 669 Kb)

This brochure in Spanish presents our global initiatives around the world from helping to provide meals to job training programs, healthy eating sessions, and countless other activities that are breaking the cycle of poverty and eliminating hunger and malnutrition

STOP Hunger brochure 2009 - English (PDF, 2.1 Mb)

STOP Hunger brochure 2009 - English (PDF, 2.1 Mb)

This brochure presents the global STOP Hunger program, a Sodexo initiative that mobilizes our employees to work in their communities and engage with local partners to help the one billion people who suffer from hunger and malnutrition.

STOP Hunger brochure 2011 - English (PDF, 2.4 Mb)

STOP Hunger brochure 2011 - English (PDF, 2.4 Mb)

This brochure presents the global STOP Hunger program, a Sodexo initiative that mobilizes our employees to work in their communities and engage with local partners to help the one billion people who suffer from hunger and malnutrition.

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