
We are strongly convinced that when we empower women, we also empower the individuals and communities around them. When women do better, we all do better.

An issue close to our heart

We are the world’s 19th largest employer and 54% of our employees are women. We have always placed gender equality and the advancement of women at the heart of our economic, social and environmental development. Beyond a moral obligation, gender diversity is a business imperative because we must reflect the diversity of everyone we serve.

Since 2009, our Sodexo Women’s International Forum for Talent has been dedicated to promoting women’s advancement. Today, women represent 50% of our board and 30% of our Group senior executives.
Still, there is more to do. We are working to increase the number of women in leadership roles to 40% by 2025 and boost equality in facilities management, one of our areas of growth.

But it’s not just about us. With an extensive global supply chain, we are uniquely placed to make change happen. So, we prioritize working with women-owned small enterprises and encourage our suppliers to embrace gender inclusion. Beyond this, we are improving opportunities for women around the world through health and well-being education.

Three issues close to our heart

Corporate responsability, hunger


Corporate responsability, gender


Corporate responsability, waste


Nine commitments for a Better Tomorrow

The world is changing. Population growth, environmental issues and social shifts are changing the way we live and work. Businesses have to change, too.

A better tomorrow insight

At Sodexo, we know there’s a lot that can be done to improve gender equality. So we have set a goal, by 2025 at least 40% of our senior leaders will be women.

Contact Us

Do you want more information about our corporate responsibility efforts and/or the Better Tomorrow Plan? Contact the Group Corporate Responsibility Team by email.