
More than 10% of people worldwide suffer from hunger – that’s hundreds of millions of people, every day, who aren’t getting enough to eat.

An issue close to our heart

Ending world hunger is one of the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations. And it’s an area where we can have a big impact.

Every day, we nourish 75 million consumers around the world with quality ingredients that taste great and enhance well-being. But we want to do more than that. We want to extend our skills and expertise to help the people and communities who need it the most.
So we continue to find new and innovative ways to fight hunger.

We make payroll giving possible and encourage volunteering for all our employees. We redistribute surplus food and fund community gardens. We provide practical advice for low income people at risk of malnutrition. And we help consumers make a difference through our Stop Hunger products and Stop Hunger campaign, which generate funds for Stop Hunger.

Three issues close to our heart

Corporate responsability, hunger


Corporate responsability, gender


Corporate responsability, waste


Nine commitments for a Better Tomorrow

The world is changing. Population growth, environmental issues and social shifts are changing the way we live and work. Businesses have to change, too.

Stop Hunger worldwide

STOP Hunger Logo (240x120)

Twenty years ago, Sodexo employees in the United States started the Stop Hunger movement. Today, Stop Hunger works across six continents to address hunger globally.
In 2016 alone, 113,000 volunteers in Sodexo’s ecosystem distributed 5.7 million meals – and we’re eager to do more.

A better tomorrow insight

In Cambodia, young women rarely have access to education – girls make up less than a third of all schoolchildren.

Contact Us

Do you want more information about our corporate responsibility efforts and/or the Better Tomorrow Plan? Contact the Group Corporate Responsibility Team by email.