Mission Handicap’s primary goal is to promote and facilitate the hiring of people with disabilities: “Aude and I help smooth out the recruiting process,” says Alain. “We match candidates with disabilities to specific recruitment needs, we give managers advice on how to adapt the workplace environment if necessary, and we provide financing if necessary.”
But hiring people with disabilities is only the first step. What matters even more to Alain is keeping them employed. “At Mission Handicap, we spend most of our energy finding solutions to make employment permanent for people with disabilities. And it makes us very proud when we are successful” adds Alain.
“There are over 2,500 Sodexo sites in France, too many for Aude and I alone to cover efficiently,” says Alain. “That is why we decided from the outset to create a Disability Network, comprised of 80 members in all regional management offices. They help us promote our actions locally and achieve our targets.”
All members of the network follow a two-day training program. “Among other things, it increases their understanding of the different types of handicaps and of the workplace challenges people with disabilities face,” says Alain.
“It is critical to have strong and frequent communication around disability and raise employees’ awareness, because if you don’t, the issue is pushed aside,” says Alain. “To do so, we publish on the intranet every three months a newsletter called ‘Lettre Info Handicap’ and we have recently sent a ‘User Manual’ on disability to 22,000 employees in France at their home.
“What Mission Handicap has achieved is real transparency on the topic of disability,” concludes Alain. “Unlike many companies, we do not pretend that disability does not matter or make a difference. The truth is it does! Employees living with a disability often have a positive impact on team spirit and engagement. And strong engagement at every level of the organization is at the core of the Mission Handicap”.