Partnerships for diversity

Sodexo has earned numerous diversity charters and reference labels around the world, including:

AUSTRIA - Charta der Vielfalt

Sodexo Austria signed the "Charta der Vielfalt" in february 2011.

SWEDEN - Swedish Diversity Charter

Sodexo joined in november 2010 the signatories of the Swedish Diversity Charter.

FRANCE - Charte de la Diversité

In France, in 2004, we were one of the first companies to sign the Charte de la Diversité, a declaration of intention which now includes over 2,000 organizations in France. Two additional agreements regarding people with disabilities and equal opportunities for men and women have been signed.

BELGIUM - Label Egalité Diversité

In Belgium, in 2007, Sodexo was awarded the prestigious Equity Diversity Label for a period of three years based on its action plan to embed diversity and inclusion through training and development, recruitment, cultural change and communication.

GERMANY - Charta der Vielfalt

In Germany, Sodexo signed the Charta der Vielfalt. The signing of this charter demonstrated the commitment of Sodexo’s top management to making diversity and inclusion a strategic imperative for the organization.

SPAIN - Charter de la Diversidad España

In March 2009, Sodexo signed the "Charter de la Diversidad España”.

ITALY - Carta per le pari opportunità e l'uguaglianza sul lavoro

In Italy, Sodexo was one of the first companies to sign the Carta per le pari opportunità e l’uguaglianza sul lavoro in October 2009. This charter promotes company cultures and human resources policies which leverage the full diversity of available talent.

Sodexo Earns Top Ranking from DiversityInc for Eighth Consecutive Year for its Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion (USA website, new window)For the 8th consecutive year, Sodexo ranks in the Top 10 on the DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity for its strong commitment for diversity and inclusion.