Shareholders' Meeting

How to participate

Any shareholders whose shares are registered in a share account two business days prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting (“N-2”) may participate in the Meeting in accordance with the following conditions.

For registered shareholders

Registered shareholders will automatically receive by post a notice of the meeting which includes, in particular, the agenda of the Meeting, a presentation of the resolutions together with a form enabling them to either attend the Meeting, vote by post or appoint a proxy.

Registered shareholders should complete this form and return it to Société Générale (meeting registerar appointed by Sodexo).
Service des Assemblées
CS 30812
44308 NANTES Cedex 3
Fax : 02 51 85 57 01

Shareholders wishing to attend the Meeting in person should request an admission card by using this form.

For holders of bearer shares

Holders of bearer shares wishing to participate in the Meeting should make an express request to their authorized intermediary, who will send them all the documents relating to the Meeting including, in particular, the agenda of the Meeting, a presentation of the resolutions together with a form enabling them to either attend the Meeting, vote by post or appoint a proxy.

Holders of bearer shares should complete this form and return it to their authorized intermediary who will forward it to Société Générale (meeting registrar appointed by Sodexo) together with a certificate of attendance justifying their client’s shareholder status.

Holders of bearer shares wishing to attend the Meeting in person should request an admission card by using the form. However, holders of bearer shares who have not received their admission card at the latest on the second business day prior to the Meeting should ask their authorized intermediary to provide them with an attendance certificate, which they may present to the Meeting reception desk as proof that they are shareholders as of N-2.

Any shareholder who has already voted by post, appointed a proxy or requested an admission card may no longer chose an alternative means of participating but is allowed to sell all or part of their shares.

The convening of the Annual General Meeting is advertised within the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) through the publication of a preliminary notice, at least thirty five days prior to the contemplated date of the Meeting. This preliminary notice contains the agenda of the Meeting together with a presentation of the resolutions; it also specifies the date, time and venue of the Meeting.

Contact us

Contact the Investor Relations by email

Or call +33 (0)1 57 75 80 56 (Virginia Jeanson)

2019 Annual Shareholders' Meeting

Shareholder's meeting

Sodexo Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held on Tuesday 22nd January 2019 in Paris.