Focus on Physical Wellness Offers
The stress of modern living, rising healthcare costs, and the growing trend towards more corporate responsibility are three factors that explain the development in wellness programs around the world. Sodexo offers a wide range of Wellness programs to cope with these factors and contribute to increase people’s performance by enhancing their well-being.
Wellness Programs for Offshore ClientsWell Track is an innovative well-being solution for the Oil & Gas offshore industry. Through a incentives-based program, offshore workers are encouraged and rewarded for getting and staying in shape. |
Nutritional Wellness for StudentsEveryday Sodexo helps more and more students reach their academic potential. Providing nourishing meals and skills to students to make their own healthy decisions are just some of the ways we do so. | ||||||||||
Pioneering Corporate Wellness in ChinaSodexo has developed a wellness offer that includes consulting, designing, marketing and managing programs and services, all of which are aligned with Sodexo’s core values as established in the Better Tomorrow Plan. | |||||||||||