Health and fitness

Every individual has a right to receive complete, quality medical treatment. In a prison environment, where inmate movements are restricted and require authorization, health care is governed by special rules.

Health and fitness

Providing health care

At the facilities where Sodexo manages health care, we have introduced an efficient, effective system in which inmates are treated with respect and dignity.

In Chile, the Alto Hospicio, Serena and Rancaga prisons offer complete medical care in partnership with public health facilities. Each prisoner has an individual health card and customary procedures are used to diagnose and treat all illnesses.

More services

A well-balanced diet

Inmates look forward to mealtime as a special moment in the day. Varied, balanced food helps maintain their physical...

Contact with loved ones

Maintaining ties to loved ones is essential during imprisonment. Staying in touch with friends and family helps inmates cope...

Reorganization and construction

In most countries, prison overpopulation has made building and reorganizing prisons indispensable.

What we do for... Alto Hospicio


Since 2005, more than 2,000 inmates from several Chilean penal institutions have benefited from at least one of the 8 training programs developed by Sodexo.

Key figures Justice

667 million euro in revenues

3.3% of Group revenues

6,264 employees

Source: Sodexo Group, FY 2016