A well-balanced diet

Inmates look forward to mealtime as a special moment in the day. Varied, balanced food helps maintain their physical and psychological well-being.

A well-balanced diet

Staying healthy thanks to balanced meals

Our teams are eager to make mealtime a relaxing moment that ensures healthy nutrition suited to life in prison. This attention implies adapting menus to the different customs, religious practices and nationalities of the inmate population.

Meal preparation is supervised by carefully selected professionals. In some facilities, such as those in Chile, interns recruited among the inmates are trained to handle food and observe the rules of hygiene and risk prevention at every stage of meal preparation. Their participation improves the way foodservice is perceived by their fellow prisoners.

More services

Contact with loved ones

Maintaining ties to loved ones is essential during imprisonment. Staying in touch with friends and family helps inmates cope...

Health and fitness

Every individual has a right to receive complete, quality medical treatment. In a prison environment, where inmate...

Reorganization and construction

In most countries, prison overpopulation has made building and reorganizing prisons indispensable.

What we do for... Alto Hospicio


Since 2005, more than 2,000 inmates from several Chilean penal institutions have benefited from at least one of the 8 training programs developed by Sodexo.

Key figures Justice

667 million euro in revenues

3.3% of Group revenues

6,264 employees

Source: Sodexo Group, FY 2016