Environmental Protection

We are committed to 4 key areas of concern: sustainable supplies, energy and emissions, water and effluents, materials and wastes.

We will reduce waste in all the countries where we operate and at all of our clients' sites by 2015.

WasteLESS event

WasteLESS event

In the 1st quarter of every year, we encourage all our employees and consumers to participate in environmental protection and low-carbon activities. In 2014 Jan. – Mar., “No Food Waste” event was promoted with over 100 sites around China involving around 13,500 participants.

WasteLESS education

WasteLESS education

We educate consumers before each touch points, making every efforts to minimize the food waste from the meal delivery to the waste disposal.

On the earth day, one site in China initiated a series of events engaging consumers together to protect the environment, including No Food Waste, Returning Used Mobile Devices, and Waste Recycling Master. Through the events, we encouraged clients and consumers to reduce food and electronic wastes, and educated them how to classify different kinds of wastes.

Uniform Recycle

Uniform Recycle

We source Uniforms from suppliers who have pledged to conduct business with the highest ethical, social and environmental practices as defined by our Supplier Code of Conduct; and encourage to reuse/recycle uniforms for environmental consideration.

The Better Tomorrow Plan

Better Tomorrow Plan (full)Sodexo is committed to sustainable development and has defined a worldwide roadmap: the Better Tomorrow Plan.

Our contribution to social and environmental progress

Our contribution to social and environmental progress