Nutrition & Wellness
As a global player in foodservices, Sodexo has considerable influence on the eating habits of more than 50 million people around the world. To promote health and wellness, we offer solutions by proposing a wholesome, well-balanced diet with reduced intake of fats, sugar and salt.
Varied and balanced food options
U Shan
U Shan is the first integrated restaurant solutions developed in China. It responds to consumers’ heightened interests in more choices, improved health and hygiene & safety, symbolizing variety and healthy options served swiftly, and priced competitively. Coupled with a fun, quirky and creative ambiance to relax, U Shan contributes to consumers’ general wellbeing and thereby for their better quality of life.
Feedlife is Sodexo’s fantastic offer for children, emphasizing our commitment to the improved Quality of life for the future. Health and wellness act as a leading thread of the offer design, embodied from the healthy food sourcing, dietician analyzed and nutrition-balanced menu, to heathier cooking methods and nutritional information exhibition and education to promote a healthy living habits.
Catering consumers’ primary needs on foods variety, Joy+ is given birth as a modular offer implemented directly on the standard set-meal portfolio. Priced reasonably and easily applied, the simply topped-up joy echoing Sodexo’s Nutrition and Health commitment has been well adopted in China benefiting over 90 consumers each day.