Nutrition & Wellness
As a global player in foodservices, Sodexo has considerable influence on the eating habits of more than 50 million people around the world. To promote health and wellness, we offer solutions by proposing a wholesome, well-balanced diet with reduced intake of fats, sugar and salt.
Nutrition & Wellness
Pioneering Corporate Wellness in China
The stress of modern living, rising healthcare costs, and the growing trend towards more corporate responsibility are three factors that explain the development in wellness programs around the world. In addition, in China, the on-going talent war and the recent wage inflation are making corporate wellness programs look increasingly attractive to Chinese employers eager to retain and satisfy staff.
Pioneering the concept of corporate wellness in the country, Sodexo has developed a wellness offer that includes consulting, designing, marketing and managing programs and services, all of which are aligned with Sodexo’s core values as established in the Better Tomorrow Plan. Sodexo established the China wellness business team in June 2010, although the story really begins in 2008 with Sodexo’s Wellness program for Nokia, the first of its kind.
Consumer Awareness Program on Nutrition & Wellness
Coupling with our health and wellness offer solutions, we design and promote a consumer awareness program at our foodservices sites to introduce healthy eating and living habits to improve their health and well-being.
The program provides information on seasonal nutrition and wellness tips to help people eat in a balanced way and develop healthy eating habits.
In FY2013, this program was implemented in 250 sites, benefiting more than 130,000 people.