Local communities
97% of our employees are hired locally in the 80 countries where we operate. In China, 99% of our employees are local Chinese originally from 30 cities and provinces. By establishing long-term partnerships, Sodexo seeks to play an active role in local employment and community development.
We will support local community development in all the countries where we operate by 2015.
Support Local Communities Development
90% of our agricultural products grown and consumed locally.
We partnered Feed the Hungry to sell tangerines to improve the lives of farmers in some of the poorest provinces in China.
We partnered with local Disabled People Federations to create job opportunities for local people with disabilities.

On Remote Site projects, Sodexo’s workforce comprises 63% aboriginal community members on average, with some sites employing as many as 95%. For the fourth time in July 2010, Sodexo received a gold medal for Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) from the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business.

The Sodexo Association for Sustainable Development identifies local companies and producers and helps them progress through training and technical assistance in hygiene, health and management. Once their products meet Sodexo standards, they are certified to sell their products to all Sodexo sites and in other markets. In 2009, $1.4 million in supplies was sourced from local communities.

United Kingdom
In December 2011, Sodexo started to provide schools across the country with grow-your-own kitchen gardens. With 50 schools garden today, the project will expand to benefit more than 200 schools within the next months.