A GREAT! training

GREAT! provides all Sodexo UK sites with a complete kit of materials to support on-site training and provide learning opportunities for frontline employees while keeping their skills and knowledge up to date. GREAT! offers a set of easy-to-use 347 cards that enable managers to train frontline employees on many different topics: induction, health and safety, food safety as well as the development of supervisory skills through positive language and active listening. 

Since 2010, thousands of employees across UK sites have benefited from this innovative training program.

Employee's feedback on the GREAT! experience

Interview Roland-Garros - Amélie VenuatInga Rimselyte has worked for Sodexo for 18 months. She started as a cleaner and is today training to become a supervisor on the Dun & Bradstreet client site. As a key frontline employee, she has had first-hand experience of the GREAT! training program.

Inga, what was your first experience of GREAT!?
Inga Rimselyte: Actually, it happened on my first day on the job at Sodexo. My orientation was mainly delivered through the GREAT! training cards and I really appreciated how concrete and easy-to-understand it was. I got to learn more about the job, the client and what it means to deliver the highest standards of service in everything I do, but I got also a deeper understand of what it means to work for Sodexo: the values, the commitments, the opportunities to develop my career. I have to say that after that first GREAT! training, I really felt comfortable in my job and ready to start!

What did you like most about GREAT!?
IR: Well, as I said, it made everything very concrete and hands-on! I liked the fact that there is a card for every task and that each card details what needs to be done. It also fits perfectly in the work schedule. But above all what I like best is that the training is delivered directly by my manager. It is good spending this quality time with him.

You are currently training to become a supervisor. How is it going?
IR: It’s really interesting! I feel that every day I’m learning something new: how to give constructive feedback to co-workers, how to handle paperwork on a daily basis. All of this training is also delivered through GREAT! It’s a lot of work but it’s worth it! My manager has been really supportive and I really appreciate the opportunity!

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