Training and skills development

Training was central to Sodexo’s priorities as an employer during Fiscal 2016, with more than five million hours of training provided.

The Training and Development Departments offered Sodexo employees a wide range of professional and learning programs. In the UK for example, it is possible to choose from a catalog of more than 500 modules, from the most basic to the most advanced.

Consistent training leads to strong engagement

88% of employees rate Sodexo as the best employer in its sector.


Breakdown of the number of training hours

(Source: Sodexo - Fiscal 2016 Registration Document)


In Fiscal 2016:

Each employee trained received an average of 12.5 hours of training. Each site employee receives “basic” training regarding their profession or job safety during their orientation. 95.1% of total workforce participated in at least one training program.


​Among our training programs

Facilities Management: Flexible training for a complex world

Whatever their level of expertise, all new employees receive specialized training when they join Sodexo’s North American Facilities Management teams.

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GREAT! training for our frontline employees

GREAT! provides all Sodexo UK sites with a complete kit of materials to support on-site training and provide learning opportunities for frontline employees while keeping their skills and knowledge up to date.

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A professional step up with a Certified Training course

Sodexo has established in France several training programs that lead to a recognized certification.

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Health & Safety training in Australia

On Remote Sites, safety is key. We train our employees to help them make the safest choices at work.

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World map (242px) 
With activities across 72 countries and more than 100 families of jobs, we offer a vast array of opportunities for everybody whatever their background.