People fundamentals

95% of our employees are in direct daily contact with our consumers. Sodexo's success depends on our employees’ expertise, pride and pleasure in delivering our services across all of our businesses. We strive to ensure that each individual, whatever their qualifications, has the opportunity to continuously develop their skills and advance in their responsibilities.

team meeting

Ethical standard

Sodexo issued an updated statement of business integrity on February 2018, reaffirming its commitment to conducting all aspects of its business according to the highest ethical standards and guided by:

  • Statement of Sodexo’s Business Integrity principles;
  • Sodexo’s declaration of respect for human rights;
  • Sodexo’s corporate responsibility action plan.

The Statement of Business Integrity sets forth Sodexo’s uncompromising standards for business integrity, which apply to all employees and to any persons acting on its behalf. The company does not tolerate any practice that is not born of honesty, integrity and fairness, anywhere in the world where it does business. Adherence to these standards is part of what it means to be an employee of an industry-leading, best-in-class company and is key to Sodexo’s operational conduct. To ensure that these commitments are understood and applied by all, Sodexo has set up dedicated training for all, including front-line employees, and made the principles of business integrity part of the integration process for all new company employees.

Promoting access to employment for all

We develop policies providing specific support for minority and disadvantaged populations.

In France, each year for more than 10 years, we have recruited 150 people with disabilities.

In Australia and Canada, we have developed many programs to promote employment of local minorities, such as Australian Aborigines and individuals from Canada’s aboriginal communities.

Local communities in Canada


In Canada, the Group supports local communities through job-training programs as well as recruitment campaigns.


World map (242px) 
With activities across 72 countries and more than 100 families of jobs, we offer a vast array of opportunities for everybody whatever their background.

Human Resources Key figures

460,000 employees in 72 countries

1st France-based private employer worldwide

14.6 hours of training per employee provided

69% Employee engagement rate*

84% of employees rate Sodexo as the best employer in its sector*

*2018 employee engagement survey sent to 386,262 Sodexo employees to which 211,501 responded.