Supporting retraining

A military career today is shorter than a civilian career. At the end of their service commitment, veterans form a pool of highly skilled, efficient workers, ready to continue their professional lives in the civilian world.

Supporting retraining

Preparing for a second career

Supporting the retraining of volunteer soldiers at the end of their contracts is  becoming a priority for armies. To help personnel prepare for a second career, Sodexo teams develop partnerships and negotiate agreements to facilitate their return to civilian occupations.

In France, the Minister of Defense and Sodexo signed a retraining agreement to assist the professional reclassification of military forces and the employment of their spouses by offering jobs within the Group.

In the United States, the Sodexo employee network known as “Honor”, set up in 2009, facilitates career planning and retraining of veterans, reservists and members of the National Guard and their families.

In the United Kingdom, the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) has been put into place to provide each individual departing  after more than four years of service with consulting advice, workshops and help with CV writing, job searches and interviews.

Also in the United Kingdom, the Recovery Placement Process (RPP) finds placements for injured or recovering military personnel to help them along the road of recovery. Each individual spends six months with a company to gain experience while awaiting the Minister of Defense’s decision on retention or non-retention.

More services

Motivation solutions

Due to the nature of their work, the schedules of military personnel are variable and often unpredictable. It is absolutely...

Nutrition programs

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Retail management

In the United Kingdom, Sodexo Defense Services have integrated 18 Londis retail shops within their contracts. Similarly there are...

The Hub concept

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Our services

• Facilities Management: Domestic services
• Facilities Management: Works services
• Catering
• Solutions for troops & families: Retention & Well-being
• Total base Management
• Logistics
• Transport services
• Near-core support
• Project management & consulting

What we do for... Colchester Garrison

Colchester Sodexo-UKSodexo has provided foodservices and multiple other services to Colchester Garrison (UK) and its subsidiary units since 2004.

Key figures Defense

726 million euro in revenues

3.6% of Group revenues

10,370 employees

Source: Sodexo Group, FY 2016