Sustainable development

In the military as well as the civilian world, environment and natural resource protection depends on the awareness of individuals and organizations.

Sustainable development

Protecting the environment

In line with our Group’s sustainability roadmap, the Better Tomorrow Plan, we are focusing our actions on 4 pillars:

  • rational energy use and control over harmful emissions,

  • sustainable procurement (local seasonal products, sustainable sourcing of equipment and supplies),
    reduced water consumption,
    careful waste management.

  • Our experts pay special attention to waste management, enabling armed forces to comply with or even exceed the targets imposed by most governments.

In Wales and the Western Midlands, for example, we have helped military forces increase the rate of waste recycling to 70. We train soldiers to reduce the amount of wastes destined for landfills.

In Australia, we are particularly attentive to wastewater recovery. We have developed an array of tests for quick, professional analysis of underground and surface water.

More services


Returning to civilian life after combat operations abroad can be problematic. To facilitate the transition from theater to home...

Service continuity

For troop presence to be dissuasive, armed forces can never let down their guard. To support them in every situation, wherever their...

Supply management

Supplying troops on active duty missions demands a high degree of reliability, including for delivery times and cost controls.

Our services

• Facilities Management: Domestic services
• Facilities Management: Works services
• Catering
• Solutions for troops & families: Retention & Well-being
• Total base Management
• Logistics
• Transport services
• Near-core support
• Project management & consulting

Key figures Defense

726 million euro in revenues

3.6% of Group revenues

10,370 employees

Source: Sodexo Group, FY 2016