
Returning to civilian life after combat operations abroad can be problematic. To facilitate the transition from theater to home, we have designed a model “decompression chamber”.


Helping soldiers return from combat

Decompression centers are intended to help military forces returning from war zones make a smooth transition to family life. Our teams have designed well-equipped, welcoming facilities, providing food and laundry services, Internet access, television, cinema , meeting rooms and wellness centers. A brief stopover of a few days is enough to rebuild group cohesiveness and prepare for the change of pace.

Bloodhound Camp Episkopi Garrison in Cyprus accommodates British soldiers in groups of 250 on their way back from combat duty. They make a stopover at the camp for 36 hours before joining their families in the United Kingdom. A 12-hour turnaround laundry service is available to provide the troops with clean clothes and uniforms. At the request of the British armed forces, we renovated the former training camp in less than a month and transformed it into a welcoming place with excellent facilities. For best results, Sodexo teams work under the direct supervision of the commanding officer.

More services

Service continuity

For troop presence to be dissuasive, armed forces can never let down their guard. To support them in every situation, wherever their...

Supply management

Supplying troops on active duty missions demands a high degree of reliability, including for delivery times and cost controls.

Sustainable development

In the military as well as the civilian world, environment and natural resource protection depends on the awareness of individuals...

Our services

• Facilities Management: Domestic services
• Facilities Management: Works services
• Catering
• Solutions for troops & families: Retention & Well-being
• Total base Management
• Logistics
• Transport services
• Near-core support
• Project management & consulting

Key figures Defense

726 million euro in revenues

3.6% of Group revenues

10,370 employees

Source: Sodexo Group, FY 2016