Supply management
Supplying troops on active duty missions demands a high degree of reliability, including for delivery times and cost controls.

Rolling out efficient logistics
In the military field, supply logistics often require unfailing flexibility and a high degree of innovation. Our logistics experts, trained to handle the specific aspects of military operations, have the capabilities to offer attractive, efficient solutions.
In 2000, DLA Troop Support, a branch of the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency, outsourced the supply of construction materials and equipment for the 85 American bases in South Korea to Sodexo. To promote face-to-face contact with clients and just-in-time inventory management, Sodexo installed a 24,000-square-foot warehouse/office complex in the country. Clients can consult customized catalogues, receive estimates and track their orders online. The innovative solution guarantees 72-hour delivery of materials in stock to all bases.