65,000, 5 and 3.9. What do these numbers mean? They demonstrate the effectiveness, creativity and commitment of 65,000 Stop Hunger volunteers throughout the world, fighting against hunger and malnutrition, that have allowed us to serve 3.9 million meals and raise 5 million USD.
Stop Hunger’s actions are focused in three areas:
- Local assistance to those most in need, supporting 860 local NGOs in 48 countries through food assistance, training and fundraising;
- Support for social entrepreneurs that are part of Ashoka’s leading global network, including ongoing contributions to the development of 5 companies;
- Emergency assistance, through specially created funds to contribute to the emergency operations of the World Food Programme (WFP), Stop Hunger partner and the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting against hunger.
Good to know: while hunger remains the world’s No. 1 health problem – afflicting 795 million people, or about 10% of the global population - its trend is downward. This is a great message of hope and evidence that we must continue to mobilize, going even further to end hunger and thereby contributing to a happier world.