World hunger continues to rise, affecting more than 800 million people and 161 million more than in 2019. Why? The pandemic and its economic consequences have worsened the situation, due primarily to conflicts and the climate crisis.
Since the beginning of this unprecedented food crisis, and despite health constraints, 41,000 Stop Hunger volunteers got involved to distribute 8.5 million meals.
In emergency situations, feeding vulnerable people seven days a week is absolutely vital.
To enable people most in need to feed themselves on a daily basis and to permanently escape hunger, Stop Hunger acts beyond food aid by providing them the means to train, work, produce, gain an income for a decent life.
And because all studies show that women are the most effective against hunger in their families, villages and communities, Stop Hunger puts a special focus on women empowerment. In the past five years, Stop Hunger has invested US$6.5 million in 54 women empowerment programs across 31 countries.
Let's give women better education, training, means of production and financial resources, and we'll have the best chance of ending hunger in the world!
Discover Red the mag, the 2021 Stop Hunger activity report