In the South-Central region of Chile, the fire is reaching populated areas after the wildfires unleashed the most shocking incendiary catastrophe in the country`s recorded history.
Emergency services, volunteers and government agencies such as the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) and the army are working in collaboration to fight the flames and deliver the much -needed aid to the victims that have been driven out of their homes by the catastrophe.
At this time, more than 1,100 people have been moved into shelters. The flames have destroyed 1,120 houses and 366,510 hectares were consumed because of the blazes.
Many countries (US, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, France, Peru, Colombia, Spain, among others) respond to Chili's call for international assistance to deal with the emergency.
Sodexo, the founding partner of Stop Hunger, mobilized to provide 2,000 meals to firefighters, volunteers and emergency services in four cities and rural areas of the BioBio region, to the south of the capital Santiago.
In parallel, through its emergency fund, Stop Hunger decided to participate financially in international emergency aid set up.