As the annual mobilization of millions of Stop Hunger volunteers around the world, the 2021 edition of our Servathon is unprecedented. Despite health constraints, US$ 249,000 was collected in 32 countries, i.e. 21% more than in 2019. Across the world, our Servathon has made it possible to locally support more than 218,000 beneficiaries.
Alongside Sodexo employees, its suppliers, clients and consumers have answered the call. The generosity of all donors was matched only by the creativity and agility of our volunteers, determined to help the most vulnerable facing the food emergency that has become a reality, no matter the country. Proof that volunteering is one of the strengths of our dynamic network, locally anchored and supported by the ecosystem of Sodexo, our founding partner.
Generosity benefited from a range of activities for all tastes, virtual or not:
- Walking and running in Brazil, China, Singapore, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates and Canada where 208 participants in 36 teams competed for a month in the Stop Hunger Challenge. Add to that Zumba classes in the Philippines and fitness in France.
- Online cooking workshops in Brazil and France; training classes in HSE and nutrition in Colombia and Costa Rica; sale of homemade pastries in Turkey; or the production of a digital cookbook in Australia.
- Record auction in Brazil with 210 participants and 151 products sold: TV, smartphones, household goods… with the support of 8 partner companies.
- Innovative online fundraising campaigns via a mobile application in Germany or a web platform in France, Portugal and the U.S. Add to that payroll donations by Sodexo employees in the Czech Republic, Germany and Luxembourg.
- And as always: food drives in the United States, Colombia, Peru, Poland, Romania, Spain, Australia… as well as meal distributions in Kuwait, South Africa, Mexico, Romania, Turkey and Brazil, where the equivalent 65 tons of food were distributed thanks to the “Stop Hunger Food Pass” cards.
A huge and sincere THANK YOU to all Stop Hunger volunteers for their ability to mobilize other volunteers to join them. THANK YOU for helping to end hunger locally and globally.
Servathon 2021 world tour in pictures
In Australia, each online purchase of this gourmet eBook, created with recipes from Sodexo chefs, provides 20 meals to Foodbank Australia
In Brazil, 141 volunteers took part in the 2nd edition of their Servathon run to raise funds... … and Club Athletico Paranaense donated for the auction an official jersey, autographed by players of the professional football team.
In Canada, with the Stop Hunger Challenge, $ 35,000 were raised to provide more than 11,500 breakfasts to children benefiting from the help of their national partner, Breakfast Club of Canada.
In Congo, a farming group of 72 gardeners received agricultural tools, seeds, and practical advice on food quality and safety |
In China, northeast of the country, with the NGO CYDF, a Hope Garden is being planted to provide healthy food to children of Ta Huangqi primary school in Hebei province. … in the south of China, 40 volunteers walked 8 km in the parks of Guangzhou to raise funds for the local NGO Green Food Bank. … Like in Singapore, where the competitive spirit of the volunteers contributed to raise more than $ 3,000 for the Food Bank by beating the record of 11,767,983 steps!
Everywhere, from Melbourne to Oman, from the United Arab Emirates to the United States via Turkey ... volunteers collected or helped with the distribution of food. |