Stop Hunger and its founding partner Sodexo continue to mobilize in order to support those impacted by the crisis in Ukraine.
The latest figures from the United Nations indicate that 12 million people are in need of emergency assistance.
hrough our partnership with the UN World Food Programme (WFP), we are calling for donations via a customized platform of the “Share the Meal” application.
ur target is to reach 100,000 meals donated via the platform by 30 April. Up until this amount, Sodexo will match each meal donated.
How are the funds used?
The funds are used for food assistance and addressing the humanitarian needs of people in Ukraine and refugees in bordering countries that have been displaced by the conflict. Assistance includes food distributions, multi-purpose micro-donations and food vouchers for use in local shops.
The donation platform is open to friends and partners of Stop Hunger.
Donate now to make a difference!