And if the future were achieved through women? Empowering women empowers humanity : economic equality for women is progress for all. Stop Hunger makes women's empowerment a priority because empowering them is the most direct way to end hunger.
Women Stop Hunger Awards, organized every year, are an opportunity to reward 5 outstanding women and support them financially to develop their initiatives.
Discover the projects presented this year by 5 brave women and exemplars coming from all horizons, Ethiopia, Brazil, USA, France and South Africa.
Discover in detail each initiative led by our five women and support your favorite project.
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Elizandra Cerqueira, founder of the Paraisópolis Women's Association, one of the largest favelas of São Paulo in Brazil: these women launched a program of small organic vegetable gardens on the roof terraces of their favela, to feed their families, and to generate an income by selling part of their harvest.
"The community of Paraisópolis expresses its appreciation for the recognition and grants from Stop Hunger and its donors, which will benefit many families." Elizandra Cerqueira
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Make a donation to help them develop vegetable gardens and a cooking school, against hunger in their favela
Nigest Haile Goshu, founder of the CAWEE NGO in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, who helps develop a network of women entrepreneurs, giving them access to training and business opportunities, while enabling other women in need to find jobs in these small businesses. With 23 years in the Ethiopian government, where she headed the Department of Women's Affairs for 13 years, Nigest has been a long-time advocate for women entrepreneurs.
“The Stop Hunger award and recognition that I received will boost my commitment for my way forward in continuing to stop hunger among women in Ethiopia and on the African Continent. I promise to take every opportunity to disseminate the great news and works that Stop Hunger is doing worldwide.” Nigest Haile
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Donate now to train and reintegrate 50 young rural women:
Jackie DeCarlo runs Manna Food Center, the Montgomery County Food Distribution Center, near Washington, D.C., USA. Four years ago, Jackie DeCarlo took over Manna, with the goal of having it be more than just a food bank, and also helping its 35,000 beneficiaries to become food self-sufficient.
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Donate now to help feed underprivileged schoolchildren while sourcing from local farmers
Nonhlanhla Joye, and her start-up Umgibe Farming Organics, which today allows 3,000 families from the Durban townships in South Africa to survive. From a simple and ingenious idea of small crops of fresh vegetables above ground, Nonhlanhla has quickly built an original and sustainable model that empowers women and surrounding communities, creates jobs and boosts local economic activity, among other benefits.
“I wish to express my deep-felt gratitude to be part of such caring individuals, because because of the Stop Hunger generosity I am going to be able to buy some land that will be dedicated to growing vegetables and raising at least 2000 chickens. What you are doing for entrepreneurs restores faith in humanity and assures us of sustainability.” Nonhlanhla Joye
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Make a donation to support Umgibe to support 3,000 township families
Brigitte Miché who is a member of the National Board of Restos du Cœur, but first and foremost a field volunteer for almost 20 years. For her, the food aid mission goes well beyond the food provided to beneficiaries. Food aid must be synonymous with health, social linkages, support, empowerment and social reintegration.
“My heartfelt thanks to Stop Hunger for honoring and supporting, through me, the women's integration projects Restos du Cœur in a workshop of the Drôme, in south-east France. At our side once again, this support is important in accompanying women whose future depends on what Restos du Cœur are able to propose to them today.” Brigitte Miché
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Donate now to help train and reintegrate 24 women in need