Benefits and Rewards Services

Benefits and Rewards Services (formerly Motivation Solutions) provide access to a wide range of services that improves the quality of life of beneficiaries: employees, citizens and students… For example, Gift Pass rewards performance while offering broad freedom of choice; Meal Pass promotes a varied and quality diet; various types of other Pass offerings provide access to educational, sports or cultural activities.

Because they improve daily life, promote work-life balance and recognize effort, Benefits and Rewards Services have a positive impact on employee motivation and contribute to improving the performance of companies and organizations.

Employee Benefits, Incentive and Recognition programs, and Public Benefits solutions are tailored to the needs of companies, local authorities and governments, enabling them to recruit and retain talent, mobilizing and stimulate teams and ensure the allocation of public assistance.

 Meal Pass at restaurant

Our expertise is comprehensive

We design, manage and deliver customized Benefits & Rewards Services for our clients to address the needs of 30.2 million beneficiaries in 34 countries.

  • We design motivation strategies suited to the needs of our clients, taking full advantage of local tax incentives and benefits.

  • We manage motivation programs from A to Z, such as setting up on-line platforms to manage employee benefits in a flexible way.

  • We deliver a wide range of Pass solutions – gift, restaurant, vacations, culture, wellness, etc. – giving access to more than a million retail stores and service providers carefully selected across the world. 

Our expertise in On-site Services and Personal & Home Services enables us to offer an overall approach to improving our clients' Quality of Life.

Benefits & Rewards Services

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Gift Pass

Gift PassIn China, Sodexo offers its corporate clients a Gift Pass to motivate their employees by giving them the freedom to choose gifts from a variety of affiliate sectors – dining, education and leisure.